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2011-09-27 20:47:26
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Gods Of Elfpack / God Registration / List Of Gods / List Of Gods II / Gods Of Elfpack Banquet
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Gods Of Elfpack Arena / Gods Of Elfpack Crew


Best Wiki Award, June 2005


We are the rulers of this mortal world. We, who have with stood the boundaries of time itself to bring everlasting power to the lands. We, are the Gods of Elfpack.

Welcome to the Gods Of Elfpack! Here is where you can find a list of the different, so called, gods of elfpack. If you would like to be one of the gods, and the thing you want to be the god of is not taken, please feel free to write down your selection at God Registration and i will inform you if you were approved or denied


Rule #1 No weird request such as "can I be the God Of Dog Food"

Rule #2 You cannot be the God of all Gods or the Goddesses of all Goddesses so please stop asking me. I am the king of the gods and I control everyone’s destiny here.

Rule #3 There can only be 1 god to each ability there cannot be a God of Ice and a Goddess of Ice it may cause a fight between the two and things could get ugly.

Rule #4 Look at the List Of Gods/List Of Gods II before you make your god selection. I hate always telling people that something is already taken, so make sure to look it up first!

Rule #5 Say whatever you want here, about anything you want I will not kick you out for it, but don’t insult or start fights with any of the members in this wiki unless they deserve it. if you want to be an asshole take it some were else.

Rule #6 Don't put any banners up or make any changes without asking me first.

Rule #7 If I don't like you. Get the hell out of here!

Concequence for breaking any of the rules is exile from the club.


All gods have been destroyed and striped of their powers I have wiped out all the olympions and we are starting over a new and stronger race will prevail.

~God Registration~
~List Of Gods/List Of Gods II~
~Gods Of Elfpack Temples~
~Gods Of Elfpack Banquet~
~Gods Of Elfpack Banners~
~Gods Of Elfpack Suggestions~
~Gods Of Elfpack Arena~
~Gods Of Elfpack Crew~

This wiki was created by [Ultra Hunger] on December 20th, 2004 
And then it was erased by [Ultra Hunger] and restarted clean slate on April 4th, 2007

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2005-07-26 [Undertow]: okay mary poppins

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: [Undertow] they only peice of ass you'll ever get, is if your finger breaks threw the toilet paper whiling wiping your ass.

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: nah i'll finger fuck the toilet and then o french kiss a light socket...before i EVER touch anything as dirty looking as you

2005-07-26 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: AHA *jumps off the building* IM MARRY FUCKING POPPINS WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE*smacks into a wall* ....ow

2005-07-26 [death how i long to embrace you]: rox my sox

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: I like Bert...he can draw^^..wait...moosey My Moose-Cow!

2005-07-26 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: lol

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]:

MY TURN UBERBITCH!!!! LOL! *jumps off Eifel Tower* IM FLYIN HOMIES WEEEEEEEEEEE*hits sarah*

Missing: </h2>

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: HA! THERES NOTHING YOU CAN SAY! HAHAHAAHAHAHAH!!!!!!! ....and i sahll banish you to a room with a moose unless we all agree to stop the chilidh antics

2005-07-26 [death how i long to embrace you]: * grins evilly * no i must not i must resist

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: well some of the childishness is exceptable

2005-07-26 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: OUCH my head has bin crushed

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: I love Mooseys^^ moo-hahahaha

2005-07-26 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: :( ok undertow ill leave...

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: knwo i half-way expected one of you guys to catch what that was....(quote from very popular tv show)

2005-07-26 [death how i long to embrace you]: * ish now rocking muttering to him self*

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: -doesn't get it-...

2005-07-26 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: ah there there death *hugs*

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: i didn't say anyone had to leave..just agree to stop the stupid whining and's gotten ultra annoying

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: -yawns- Booooring

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: *cough*invader zim*cough*

2005-07-26 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: u said childish antics I HAVE TO LEAVE I DONT KNOW HOW 2 BE MATURE

2005-07-26 [death how i long to embrace you]: *starts muttering plans to kill............................*

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: i was talking about the bitching and griping back a forth....your antics aren't completely childish..just a little on the strange side

2005-07-26 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: GIR!!! im gonna sing the doom song now Doom doom doom doom da doom doomie doom doom doom doom doom doom da doom doom doomie doomie doom doom doom OOOOOH...whats that? its the wind/

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: I have a shirt with Gir on it

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]: WAHH!!! IM AN IMMATURE GOTH ISREALI LIBERAL AMERICAN!!! IM SO ASHAMED!! AND ME AND SARAH LABELED OURSELVES AS MARY POPPINS!!! WE SHOULD BE HANGED..................................................not. lol

2005-07-26 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: huh say what *stops singing the doom song*...strange? who me/? naaaaaaw

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: .......honestly i used to liek that show..then i realized how stupid it..JTHM, and squee are..i guess that was around the time i grew up

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: -agrees with Crowe-

2005-07-26 [death how i long to embrace you]: ummm *glomps crowe* your santa

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]: I love this wiki!

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: ....honestly i don't call myself anything but me *hugs self* i like me just the way i am..and like the shirt said if you have no enemies you are worthless

2005-07-26 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: SANTAAAAAAAAAAA *attacks crowe and dosent let go* *screams in his ear* I WANNA BARRBIE AND A PONNIE AND A KITTEN AND AND AND A COLORING BOOK AND A BARNEY DOLL AND

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: -atemps to touch [Undertow] then doesn't for my own reasons- <<;;

2005-07-26 [death how i long to embrace you]: *glomps undertow* your the easter bunny

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]: oops, i forgot. WAHH!! I LABELED MYSELF AS SANTA! Hey, I like beingsanta, i can go around all day saying ho and not get in trouble.

2005-07-26 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: hehe i got santaaaaa *squeezes crowe agian*

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]: BRING ME MAH HOS SLAVE ELFS!!!! *brings out a whip* kinkyness>

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: -dies-

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: *pushes death off and walks away* i need to play some more video games..good way to vent anger..less harmful too...unless your [The hercules of hate] then a controller can be a dealy weapon

2005-07-26 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: AAAAAAAH *cowwers*

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]: *womps death* ur......................The thanksgiving turkey

2005-07-26 [death how i long to embrace you]: *runs away * dont eat me

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: -feels left out- <<;;

2005-07-26 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: fewf thought he was gonna hit me with the whip *sighs in relefe**

2005-07-26 [death how i long to embrace you]: *glomps convicted* your saint pattys day person

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: ......and silence if you touch me with that whip i'll stuff it down your throat

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: Score!! -doesn't feel left out-

2005-07-26 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: yaaaay

2005-07-26 [death how i long to embrace you]: * pecks undertows foot(*

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: -pokes [Undertow] with hand cuffs-

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]: *womps convicted* urr...........................the st paddys leprechaun

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: OMG NO! I hate thoses things...I am like so scared of the little green people!!!

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]: about a smurf?

2005-07-26 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: IM GREEN haaaaaaaaaahahahah

2005-07-26 [death how i long to embrace you]: smurfs are greeen

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]: lolololol

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: A smurf is okay...but way

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]: <img:> Im black and white. OMFG! I DID IT AGAIN! I LABELED MYSELF DAMNIT!

2005-07-26 [death how i long to embrace you]: muahahahahahahahah *glomps nothiong* fine you are a smurf

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: *looks around and put hood on and walks over to the corner and puts ipod on and pulls out psp*

2005-07-26 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: IM NOT A SMURFF

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: and that's not labeling that's juts being a striaght up dumbass

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: <img:> I'm Black and white too!

2005-07-26 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: silence is a shmexy black and white person

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]: lol, i am, im only 511

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: I love Smurfs

2005-07-26 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: OMG YOUR OLD!!!!!

2005-07-26 [death how i long to embrace you]: w0otness hey undertwo that is not very nice

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: ..idc

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: I'm -11233456 years old <<;; 

2005-07-26 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: grrrr *growls*

2005-07-26 [death how i long to embrace you]: well you should

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: -pokes undertow with a candle- <<;;

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]: idc either, i labeled my self as being black and white, symbolic, good and evil

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: *rolls eyes*

2005-07-26 [death how i long to embrace you]: hey you damn right i am

2005-07-26 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: *attacks silenced's shoe*

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: -rolls eyes- ...Grown ups

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: *flips off convicted and smiles* damn right i can do more shit that you

2005-07-26 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: HAH i still drive ...HEH

2005-07-26 [death how i long to embrace you]: iay that maybe be true but you know what i dont give a flying rats ass what you can do

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]: Ha, kids? Wow, I guess 18 is considered a kiddie. YAYA! i dont have to grow old bitchs!!! hahahahah!!!! eats thumb

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: lets see i care....nope

2005-07-26 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: yeaaaaaah *shifty eyes*

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: Damn right..I don't give a fuck..i'm not all you..

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]: SHIFTY FIVE!!

2005-07-26 [death how i long to embrace you]: *sucks thumb* i dont care if you care

2005-07-26 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: hah im a freaky 15 year old BOOYAH and i dun care if ure 2 years older then me BITE ME i have more fun

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: I'm 14^^'' and is not old

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: ......i'm just going to keep my mouth shut b4 i say something that will piss people off

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: Too late for that undertow..too bad you didn't think of that earlier..

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]: I WUV BEING !8, i can do whateva th e4 fuck i want

2005-07-26 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: lol

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]: In waco 18 is a GOOD age!

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: not really..beleive me i can piss everyone off by putting up some things

2005-07-26 [death how i long to embrace you]: *glomps crowe* right lol

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]: O, it is way to late for that i think

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: Who cares?

2005-07-26 [death how i long to embrace you]: not me....hey i have an idea lets all go streaking

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]: I know, its FUN! (not streaking)

2005-07-26 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: i can break anything...

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: Sure I'm up for it

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]: if i go streaking i need my gf with me first

2005-07-26 [death how i long to embrace you]: w0ot well lets go *starts streaking*

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: ....*glares at everyone* i seriously need to start talking to people who were born int he same decade as me..they atleast have a little bit of sence

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: then shut the fuck up and find somone undertow, stop somplaining.

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: piss off and learn to spell with atleast the right letters


2005-07-26 [d o n e]: Ah that's true...but see I'm not going to bother to fix it, because YOu don't care what I have to

2005-07-26 [death how i long to embrace you]: piss off? you know what why dont you go suck on a big blue flopy donkey dick your gettin on my nevers

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]: I SURE AS FUCK AM!!!!!! (older and immature i mean)

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: Lmao -agrees-

2005-07-26 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: HAHA STREAKING OK!!!!!

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: why don't you go find one of your own......and i could give a flying fuck who's older than me i think your all being immature brats right now....go listen to some emo and slit your wrists you fucking bitches

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]: Now now Death, where did you learn such language? I think undertow is rubbing off on you with his "colorful metaphors'.

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: Well you're an immature bastard..haha...Moo-Hahaha


2005-07-26 [death how i long to embrace you]: ohhh its on now. you know you why dont you go listen to some icp you bastard you are the one being immature about everything you fucking started this shit. i was clam but you know what you get my nerfves and not mayny can do that so congraga fucking lations you peice of shit

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]: Hey you fucking asswhole now thats enough! Joking about some things is ok, but we do not need to bring in criticism like that. That is NOT simething anyone should ever fucking joke about! So drop the matter now!

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: liek i said go on go do what you all need to do..piss and moan liek impules pricks 

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: ICP is stupid...-agrees with Death-


2005-07-26 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: *growls* can i bite his arm off

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: -coughs- Like* - un cough-

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: fuck you buddy, there's not a god damn thing you can do to me..and yes i like icp but if you must know i haven't listen to a single song of thiers in many weeks..hmm actually i'm in the mood to listen to something besides dope or tool..thanks for the recommndation

2005-07-26 [d o n e]:'re make me feel smart...<<;;

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]: I could care less.

2005-07-26 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: please they wear it like a fucking badge and think that they are the coolest thing when they find out others do it..i honestly hate cutters with a passion

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: So..?

2005-07-26 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: yea thats YOUR oppinion piss off undertow ure not wanted here

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]: Wait a minute, you just said for us to go slit our wrists, so that means YOU ARE LABELING YOURSELF!

2005-07-26 [death how i long to embrace you]: you know what you are right there is nothing we can do to you but at least you can do us a favor and shurt the fuck up you are sound inmature right now and what give you the right to think that everyone here cuts, i do and no i am not proud of it i do it beacse peices of shit like you open there big mouths where i live and i cut my wrist to reals the preasure if i didnt i would probally be in jail right now for killing all of them

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: -watches- this is getting good -gets pop corn-

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: w/e...think what you want..i'll just sit here knowing the truth

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]: WELL THEN! Of you hate cutters, then why do you associate with them?

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: Who cares?

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: why the fuck don't you just go do it then??? oh wait i know..because your a fucking PUSSY!

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: -cough- Loser -un cough-

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]: Because if it bothers you that much, my sister and I cut! Oh yeah! Do you think we look happy about it? Oh, I just love going to rehab all the time, didn't I tell you!?!

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: i only associate with the ones i know and you can ask your sister i give her hell anytime she mentions it..

2005-07-26 [death how i long to embrace you]: what you are telling me to go kill people now great wonderful no i am not a pussy you fuck face i just dont like hurnt people i hate fighting beacuse i know what i can do to them and i dont like it

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: and you..i honestly think your a douche

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]: Suicide watch is the greatest u know, having this guy follow you everywhere1

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: I think you're a loser.

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: then shut the fuck up.....i'll tell you what i tell every other dumbfuck cutter with that lame-ass excuse..i'd rather see someone else ina pool of blood and feel good about myself for doing it than look at a scar on my wrist 10 years on down the road and try to remember what the fuck it's from

2005-07-26 [death how i long to embrace you]: douche who? me?

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: your a pussy..silenced is a douche

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: and you're a loser^^

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]: douche? I could care less, my sister hates your ass, she tells me everytime we are on EP.

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: and???? this is a well known fact i'd rather be a looser than a cutter anyday

2005-07-26 [death how i long to embrace you]: really im a pussy yes your so right arnt you i can see it now im suchs a pussy you are so right how could i have not seen it before

2005-07-26 [Ultra Hunger]: everyone likes to fight in here

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]: WTF is a douche, is that like french?

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]: It sounds like a kind of chocolate

2005-07-26 [death how i long to embrace you]: yes we do man cans we do

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: your just being flat out stupid

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: I'm not a can look at my wrist, they're clean. Hi [Ultra Hunger]

2005-07-26 [Cody '07]: Douche would be french for shower i believe

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]: were did sarah go?

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: ask your mommy she'll tell you what a douche is

2005-07-26 [death how i long to embrace you]: me stupid? why yes i do belive i am

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: hey we agree on something!

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]: My mother doesnt speak english and if you have to drag her into this than you are a sad sad boy.

2005-07-26 [Ultra Hunger]: the definition of douche is a thing a girl uses to fluch out her vagina. it unhealty to do but chicks do it anyways

2005-07-26 [death how i long to embrace you]: yes we do we have also agreed on many other things

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: -agrees with Crowe-

2005-07-26 [Ultra Hunger]: its acatually called a Douche bag

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: the bag is part of one..i think

2005-07-26 [death how i long to embrace you]: right and how may i ask is crowe that?

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]: know, i don't think I'm gonna eat breakfast today.

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: idk just sounded good

2005-07-26 [Cody '07]: Hmmm Crowe I would take it as a compliment a Douche will get closer to a pussy than he ever will

2005-07-26 [death how i long to embrace you]: yea righto

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: ....-is so confused-

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]: Hey yall, I would like you to meet my sisters Boyfriend Cody.

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: ummmmmmm...riiight

2005-07-26 [death how i long to embrace you]: hello cody * glomps*

2005-07-26 [Cody '07]: Yeah thats me

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]: Na, I don't need to have his sorry ass help me get some pussy, I don't have to try that hard. lol.

2005-07-26 [Cody '07]: Hello

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: .......i'll brb i need a refill

2005-07-26 [Ultra Hunger]: I never though i'd feel so goo again seeing poor dear Gabrielle sacrafice herself make it all worth wild it finally gives me a reason for living and I have you to thank for it Undertow

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]: *hands Man Cans a baloon*.

2005-07-26 [death how i long to embrace you]: so whats up cody

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]: Hey Death, your in Waco right?

2005-07-26 [Ultra Hunger]: thats my random saying for the day HA HA HA HA HA ahhhhh *lighting flashes behind me*

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: what????

2005-07-26 [Cody '07]: Not much bored and this seems like fun plus no one talks about my girl or friends without getting some of my input

2005-07-26 [death how i long to embrace you]: wait where? ahh well go you

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: [Ultra Hunger] i must are probably the onyl one here more hell bent on pissing people off than me

2005-07-26 [d o n e]: -sings to self-

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: i never said anything about you or her so piss off

2005-07-26 [iCh3wi]: Oh, he is. But it's fun though. Waco Texas Death.

2005-07-26 [Cody '07]: Ladies first

2005-07-26 [death how i long to embrace you]: where waco?

2005-07-26 [Undertow]: *grabs nuts* aint me

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